Struggling With Writer's Block?






Do you have an important creative project on the go, but find yourself hitting snags?

Do you find that sometimes the inspiration flows, but at others, you feel stuck?

Do you sometimes question whether you can even do this, whether it will ever happen?

Are you working on a book, or other creative content, but having trouble sorting out how it all fits together?

Do you feel like you have a lot to say, but somehow struggle when you try to actually put your manifesto into words?

Do you find that the voice of doubt starts floating up, wondering if you should give up entirely?

If so, you are in the right place!  With her unique combination of skillsets, including years of experience as a psychotherapist, but also training in the language of the soul, and years of working with guides in spirit,  Lisa loves to assist creatives in birthing their unique work, by sharing their gifts with the world. Click below to get started!


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